In the year 2087, rats seem to be the only beings that inhabit an
abandoned world in tranquility and silence.
This tranquility breaks under the appearance of a
This tranquility breaks under the appearance of a
new being who will begin to change reality.

// Credits:
Direction: Victoria Kociman // Script: Victoria Kociman - Francisco Caselli // Editor: Victoria Kociman //Rigging & Skinning: Juan Meneses // Art, Graphic Design & Illustration: Victoria Kociman // Animation: Juan Meneses - Victoria Kociman // Modeling: Victoria Kociman // Sound editor: Juan Meneses - Victoria Kociman // Additional collaborator: Junior Pajuelo // 2018
// Awards: FICMA (Festival Internacional de Cine con Medios Alternativos) Mexico November 24, 2018 Winner // Festival de Cine Emergente Santiago de Chile Chile October 13, 2018
Honor Mention // Anima Latina Buenos Aires Argentina June 26, 2018 Official Selection // Bit Bang Fest Buenos Aires Argentina October 5, 2018 Official Selection // Brother Argentina 2018 Grand Prix
Honor Mention // Anima Latina Buenos Aires Argentina June 26, 2018 Official Selection // Bit Bang Fest Buenos Aires Argentina October 5, 2018 Official Selection // Brother Argentina 2018 Grand Prix